
Thursday, January 18, 2007


Biden-Levin-Hagel to Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Bush Iraq Policy

Apparently, Mitch McConnell (R-dinkwad) is threatening to filibuster the resolution.

Time was, when Dems thought about filibustering the Scalito Supreme Court nomination, Republicans promised to invoke the nuclear option.

Maybe it's time for Dems to be prepared to go nuclear.

Imagine the deliciousness of reminding Weepin' Joe Lieberman and the rest of the Gang of 14 of their moral, bipartisan duty to sweep in and preserve the Senate's right to legislate on the most pressing issue of our time. (Of course, the Gang will need replacements for Mike Dewine and Lincoln Chaffee, hee hee hee.)

Imagine the delectable spectacle of Senate Republicans falling over themselves to prevent a vote on the freakin war.

Sigh. I kind of doubt it will come to that.

I don't think McConnell wants to be reading the phonebook on the Senate floor while the Baghdad meatgrinder kicks into overdrive.

Still, the fear of tasting some of their own nuclear medicine is probably the best deterrent to Republicans trying to be the douchewads we know they want to be.

What a bunch of douchewads.

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