
Thursday, June 16, 2005


Hard core Bushits

Let us come to terms with the political competence exercised by right wing Republicans:


This Downing Street Memo doesn't mean crap to them.

They didn't care that he lied about WMD.

Why should they care that he lied when he said military action against Iraq was a last resort?

All they know is that he does what he has to do to get the job done, whether that is taking care of terrorists or tamping down domestic dissent, which are pretty much the same thing in their minds.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Good news in Iraq?

Hell no. But at a party after the Tyson fight in D.C. this weekend, "the most famous pimp in the country" Archbishop Don "Magic" Juan had this to say:
God told me in 1985 to give up prostitutes. Now I'm Snoop Dogg's spiritual adviser.
Thank Jeebus some parts of this country remain untouched by white Christian NASCAR dad victimology. Can I get a witness?

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Bush Negotiates with Terrorists

Remember "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists"?

Well, now Bushits are finding some middle ground in the equation, providing yet another opportunity for Dems to pummel them from a hawkish position.

Whatever the merits of seeking political accomodation with insurgents in Iraq, there is a lot of mileage to be gained out of highilghting the contradiction between Bushit cowboy rhetoric and warfighting reality.

Come on Donkey, kick it in!

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