
Thursday, July 20, 2006


A Reminder for Democrats

The risk to Americans has INCREASED under Bush's mis-leadership.

Bush has made it MORE LIKELY that terrorists will be trying to hit us for decades to come.

We are LESS SAFE because of that numbnut.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

I agree we are much less safe and we know who to thank for it.But lets not also forget Clinton had osama Bin Laden in custody and let him out after the first World Trade Towers attack
I think I can agree with your first sentence, anonymous, but your second...
1. Wow. That's bullshit. We never had Bin Laden "in custody" or "let him out"; he's been scampering about in the caves between Pakistan and Afghanistan, remember? Three words: "Dead or alive." Dinkwads, like the ones who have made this godawful politicized fact-deficient ABC/Disney miniseries about the most traumatic event in modern American history, have argued that Clinton's CIA had him "in their sights" and Clinton's team wouldn't pull the trigger. CIA says that's bullshit, no one ever had a good fix on Bin Laden's position.
2. Even Bushits acknowledge that "we were all" in a pre-9/11 mindset before 9/11. If you think Clinton should have launched a full-scale invasion of Afghanistan before 9/11, you are freakin' nuts.
3. When in doubt, blame Clinton.
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