
Thursday, May 12, 2005


Iraq verges on civil war

There was a time when proponents of the invasion asked us to judge the war, not by the lack of WMD, but by "results on the ground."

How bad do things have to get before they admit things are fucked up beyond all recognition?

Rest assured that when all out civil war breaks out, if it hasn't already, Bushshit is prepared to blame Iraqis for not being sufficiently interested in running their own country, in stepping up to the plate, in taking on the terrorists, in investing in the future, in freedom itself.

Strategically-minded Dems should immediately disabuse people of this blame-the-victim thinking, and drive home the point that the administration did everything it could to guarantee the perception of occupation rather than liberation.

From never disavowing the establishment of permanent military bases to privatizing the economy, leveling cities and towns as a form of collective punishment, shutting out Iraqis from reconstruction contracts, clamping down on press freedom, installing CIA puppets like Chalabi and Allawi, sanctioning torture, etc. etc. etc., they have done everything in their power to ensure that failure is an option.

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