
Monday, May 16, 2005


CondoSkeeza Rice Lies Again


In a speech to the American Embassy in Baghdad, Condoleezza "Skeeza" or "Skee" Rice deftly delivered the administration's most essential propaganda point: the conflation of Iraq and 9/11:

You see, this war came to us, not the other way around.

Knowing that Saddam's Iraq and bin Laden had no operational ties before Bush invaded, Skee continued:

The United States of America, when it was attacked on September 11, realized that we lived in a world in which we cannot let threats gather, and that we lived in a world in which we had to have a different kind of Middle East if we were ever to have a permanent peace. It just could not continue to be a Middle East in which dictators like Saddam Hussein paraded around, lived in great palaces, and yet tortured, and oppressed, and just made mincemeat of this wonderful infrastructure here in Iraq. We just couldn’t let that stand, a man who had been a danger to this region for his entire reign.
Skee's case is belied by the fact that Saddam was not a threat, "gathering" or otherwise. Intelligence was gamed to justify removing weapons inspectors. We got bogged down and distracted from the real threat of Al Qaeda, and heightened that threat by creating generations of new recruits to bin Ladenism. In the meantime, Bushit let North Korea and Iran proliferate nukes and increased the possibility of a "smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud" with "no fingerprints" on it. Skeeza concluded:
And we had to have a chance to work with people in the Middle East who wanted a different kind of life, because the absence of freedom in the Middle East, the freedom deficit, is what has produced the ideologies of hatred that led people to fly airplanes into a building on a fine September day.

Skee reasons that we were attacked on 9/11 because Saddam oppressed his people.


MEMO TO DEMS: Skee's propagation of the faulty reasoning behind the so called Global War on Terror testifies to your failure to refute such brazen hackery early and often. I guess we've all "moved on" at this point since "we're in Iraq now" and "failure is not an option." Grow some freaking nards, dinkwads.

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